It was the flowers that made you pause in awe. The synagogue was transformed into a wooded wonderland with flowers that wound up tree trunks, cascaded down steps and hung from the chuppah. Helene and Jeffrey, avid skiers, were married before family and friends at Congregation Sharrey Zedek. Helene entered to a recording of the song Sunrise Sunset played by her grandfather on the violin. Cantor David Hazzan Propis sang at several points in the service including a beautifully tender performance of the Blessing of Thanksgiving or Shehecheyanu. It was a day of celebration and the guests joined in robustly for the final Simon Tov as the new couple recessed. Best wishes!
Ski Lovers Reach Their Peak of JOY with Wedding Ceremony at Congregation Sharrey Zedek
Updated: Jun 22, 2022